Reflection for Sunday – May 22, 2016

Readings: Proverbs 8:22-31, Romans 5: 1-5, John 16:12-15
Preacher: Sr. Kathleen Wayne

It seems ironic that we move back into Ordinary Time with the feast of the Most Holy Trinity. I would bet that many of us think of the Trinity as anything but ordinary. We learned, as children, that the Trinity is a profound mystery. Something that not even the great Saint Thomas Aquinas, a doctor of the church could simply explain. He wrote pages on the topic and in the end stated the Trinity is mystery.

But lest we shelve this mystery under too difficult to figure out, or not relevant to my life today, think about what Pope Francis invites us to consider: “The Holy Trinity is not the product of human reasoning, but the face with which God has revealed himself walking with humanity…”

The light and celebration of Easter and Pentecost renew every year in us the joy and wonder of faith that recognizes that our God is not something vague or abstract. Our God is real, relational, not to be place on a shelf with the writings of theologians. Our God lives in the very core of our being and in our world. God has revealed Godself to us: three Persons in one—Father, Son and Holy Spirit—and invites us to share in the loving communion that is revealed in the Trinity. Our God is passionately relational. That is the mystery worthy of our reflection.

The readings for this feast invite us to ponder how we imagine God. Each is rich in invitation.
• A God delighting in all of creation. Wisdom, God’s craftsman, possessed by God from the beginning, cooperating with God in all ways, playfully delights in the human race. Proverbs invites us to imagine the Wisdom of God creating order out of chaos. There is so much chaos in our world today. Perhaps even our own hearts are plagued by confusion and worry. Will we respond to our Wisdom God as she invites us to remember that God, the source of all Wisdom, goes before us leading the way? In the daily unfolding of human life, may we walk confidently with the inexhaustible creativity of God who delights in guiding our steps.
• A God pouring love into our hearts. The essence of God is love. Jesus showed us the depth of God’s love in his life, death and resurrection. Through the gift of the Spirit we share the glory of God. Nothing can separate us from the overflowing love of God that washes over us and in us. We love because God has first loved us. Will we respond to our Loving God with a love that is willing to lay down its own life that another may live? In the daily unfolding of human life, may we walk confidently empowered to live in the love of God poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit.
• A God guiding us to all truth. Through the power of the Spirit, our faithful God is revealed to us in Jesus and abides with us. Slowly the Spirit opens the eyes of our heart to stand in awe of this great gift of life…of love…and opens us to all that God has planned for us. We are welcomed into the truth…into this life of the Trinity through Baptism. Surrounded by the community of faith, may we walk confidently through life with the certainty that God journeys with us and nothing can separate us from this truth.

How blessed that we are invited into a relationship with God who creates, loves and guides. This feast reminds us that our God is close to us in the extraordinary moments as well as the ordinary experiences of life. It is a mystery. It is a gift. Our world is crying out for a God who walks close to us on this journey of life. Are we passionate enough to share our relationship with the Triune God?

Sr. Kathleen Wayne, RSM
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